In the early hours of April 25, residents of the Blanche district witnessed an unexpected sight: the wings of the Moulin Rouge lying on the ground separated from their iconic structure. Weeks later, with the possibility of a malicious act ruled out, it was announced that the monument would be restored to its original structure in its entirety, normally before July 15 and the passage of the Olympic flame passage of the Olympic flame.
The Moulin Rouge gets its wings back
In its 135-year history, the Moulin Rouge had never been without its wings, but on the night of April 24-25, 2024, the unexpected happened. The wings of the temple of cancan have fallen off, taking with them a few of the letters affixed to the building’s façade. Fortunately, there were no injuries as a result of the fall, apart from the emotion of the dozens of local residents who gathered the next morning.
Today, we can already mark in our diaries the date for the reinstatement of the cabaret’s wings, but also rule out malicious action as the cause of this event. The plant’s general manager officially favors the theory of a technical incident. All in all, more fear than harm, and the prospect of a return trip to put this incident behind us for good.
Work on reinstalling the wings should be completed in July, just before the Olympic torch relay, during which a show by the cancan dancers is scheduled! It should be noted that a tarpaulin will cover the construction during the works, and that no changes are expected to the appearance of the wings.
Read also: The Moulin Rouge has lost its wings for the first time in its history. Here’s what we know