We knew Paris was a wonderful city, but Resonance Consultancy ‘s recent ranking only confirms it. In fact, out of 100 European cities, Paris ranks second in the top 3 most livable. We’ll explain!
Paris, Europe’s second-best city in which to live
For the second year running, Paris is ranked as the second most pleasant city in Europe by Resonance Consultancy. The ranking is based on a number of data and criteria, including culture, education, livability, infrastructure, city dynamism, economy and more.
The cycling plan, which aims to make the city 100% cycleable by 2026, was one of the factors that propelled Paris to second place in this ranking. A criterion that echoes another study, in which Paris is said to be the best city for cycling.
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More surprisingly, 65% of all journeys are made on foot, a figure that increased by 12% between 2010 and 2020, making Paris an increasingly pedestrian city and therefore a very pleasant place to live.
The Grand Paris Express plan, Europe’s largest civil infrastructure project, was also a major factor in this ranking. This will enable the creation of 4 new metro lines, so that Parisians will choose public transport more often for their journeys. An ecological approach that’s much appreciated!
Finally, the city, which will host the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, will enjoy exceptional international exposure for much of the summer. This is bound to attract more visitors, who will take advantage of this time to visit Paris’ most beautiful monuments.
Ahead of Paris, London takes the top spot. Il faudra attendre la 41ᵉ place pour retrouver Nice, la seconde ville française présente dans ce classement après Paris.