There’s definitely plenty for jazz fans to get their teeth into this summer in Paris! After the Enghien Jazz Festival then la Défense Jazz Festival it’s the Parc Floral ‘s turn to get in tune and offer Parisians a new event dedicated to music. The dates start on June 30 and run through to September 8. Enough to keep us dancing all summer long without breaking the bank!
The Paris Jazz Festival returns
Take the lush, bucolic setting of the Parc Floral, the warmth of summer and the fervor of a music festival, and you’ve got the recipe for the brilliant Paris Jazz Festival. In the heart of the garden to the east of Paris, a series of enchanting concerts await you this summer. And the good news is that you only have to pay the park entrance fee of €2.5 to take part.
On the Program side, the focus was on the French scene. Numerous young talents from France will be present. Among the names that will get you dancing this summer are Antoine Berjeaut, Aldorande, Poetic Ways and Petite Lucette, to name but a few.
All in all, we’ve got a great summer musical event on the horizon, and all we need is you to spice up this explosive cocktail!
Paris Jazz Festival – June 30 to September 8, 2024 – Parc Floral de Paris
Read also: 4 legendary Paris jazz clubs where you can swing all night long