Rather handy in these times of strikes on the Parisian transport network, some very special maps of the metro dating from 2015 and 2016 were recently unearthed from Twitter. On these very specific metro maps, you can, at a glance on the first, see how much walking time separates each metro station from the other, and on the second, the calories burned on each journey. A clever way of calculating actual journey times in case of unforeseen circumstances.
Paris metro map hijacked
Always a hot topic in Paris, the metro is a veritable part of the city’s heritage. Whether it’s new trains on line 6, a major exhibition or an unusual guided tour, there’s always something happening on the city’s transport network. The famous Parisian metro map is a useful tool for finding your way around the city, but it can also be used for some rather interesting purposes… To spot the street art hidden in the metro corridors, identify the city’s cultural venues and even to give us an indication of the city’s rents: any hijack is good enough to point us in the right direction.
These hijacked maps allow us to rediscover the city from a different angle, exploring its streets and neighborhoods in ways other than through the subway tunnels. Whether it’s to avoid the hustle and bustle of transport during strike periods, or simply to enjoy the benefits of physical activity, these roundabout maps are part of an approach that combines practicality, health and urban discovery.
And today, two new hijackings provide some very useful pointers. The first is the creation of twittos @gmartinetti84, to be seen on rando-metro.fr, which indicates the walking time between two given metro or RER stations. And to take things a step further, you can cross-reference this map with one created by the online pharmacy treated.com. On this new map, calories burned are indicated between stops!