After increasing their prices during the Olympic Games, then returning them to their original rates, the Ile-de-France transport authority is set to introduce new pricing. Gone are the days of differentiated prices between modes of transport and zones in the Île-de-France region, the single-fare ticket is coming soon!
Do you know how much you have to spend to travel in Île-de-France? 1.73 here, 2.15 there or even 5 euros! Buying your metro ticket (by the unit, in a booklet) or an RER ticket doesn’t actually represent the same cost! The tarification is currently rather chaotic and obscure (including for Ile-de-France residents) but it’s almost over!
Is this good news? Yes, in part, because this fare policy will lead to a rebalancing of fares and not in favor of all Franciliens! We break it all down for you!
A simplification of fares for travel in Île-de-France
You may have dreamed of it, Île-de-France Mobilités has done it! The régie des transports franciliens has decided to tidy up the embrouillamini of fares! From January 2, 2025, there will be just one ticket for metros, RERs and trains running in the Île-de-France region. It will cost €2.50, regardless of the distance traveled. For buses and streetcars, it will be €2.
This measure announced this week is part of the ongoing standardization of fares already begun with the introduction of the Navigo unique in 2015. The arrival of the single fare ticket will only affect occasional travelers numbering 3 million, and should considerably simplify the purchase of tickets.
Do you have a Navigo monthly/annual? Don’t panic, you won’t be impacted! Are you a Navigo Liberté + cardholder? Fares will increase to €1.60 (on the bus-tram) and €1.99 (on the metro, RER and train).
For a clearer picture, here’s a summary table
As a reminder, this measure will be applied from January 2, 2025.
More info on the Ile-de-France Mobilités website.