The croissant could almost be the embodiment of Parisian art de vivre. More generally, the croissant is the number one pastry eaten by the French, just ahead of pain au chocolat. But where exactly can you find the best croissants in Paris? Which Parisian bakery offers THE best croissant? The Syndicat patronal des boulangers-pâtissiers du Grand Paris has published its annual rankings.
Jury members were able to sample a total of 119 croissants. Criteria? The puff pastry, the texture and, of course, the taste. The prize-giving ceremony took place during the Bread Festival on Monday May 15, 2023, on the Parvis de Notre-Dame. After winning the best baguette in Paris won by artisan baker Tharshan Selcarajah, who is the winner of the best butter croissant 2023? He is Eric Teboul, who runs the “Chez Meunier” bakery “Chez Meunier bakery in the 19th arrondissement of Paris. If we invite you to discover the rest of the 2023 ranking, perhaps you can treat yourself to a “croissant-Tour”, so that you can form your own opinion? Enjoy your meal!
Where can you find the best croissants in Paris?
- 1st : Eric Teboul, “Chez Meunier” bakery – 185 rue de Crimée, 75 019 Paris
- 2e : Thierry Rabineau, “Boulangerie Moderne” – 16 rue des Pit Saint-Jacques, 75 005 Paris
- 3e : Cyril Daniel, “Boulangerie M.Jacques” – 132 rue Saint-Maur, 75 011 Paris
- 4e : Maxime Taranne, “Boulangerie Alexine” – 15 rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis, 75 010 Paris
- 5e : Thierry Meunier, “Boulangerie Thierry Meunier Ile Seguin” – 58 rue Marcel Bontemps, 92100 Boulogne Billancourt, France
- 6e : Alexis Rougès, “Boulangerie Rougès” – 45 avenue de Saint Ouen, 75 017 Paris
- 7e : Frédéric Comyn “Boulangerie au 140” – 140 rue de Belleville, 75 010 Paris
- 8e : Benjamin Turquier, “Tout autour du pain” – 134 rue de Turenne, 75 003 Paris
- 9e : Eric Thevenot, “Vibrations gourmandes” – 101 Gd rue Charles de Gaulle, 94 130 Nogent sur Marne
- 10e : Jean-Yves Boullier, “Le Moulin de la Croix Nivert” – 39 rue de la Croix Nivert, 75 015 Paris
- 11e : Florent Cadot, “Le Grenier à Pain Vaugirard” – 270 rue Vaugirard, 75 015 Paris
- 12e: Baptiste and Maxime Sohier, “Maison Sohier” – 2 allée Christophe Colomb, 93 160 Noisy-le-Grand
- 13e : Laurent Bergeron, “Maison Bergeron” – 112 rue Saint Dominique, 75 007 Paris
- 14e : Nicolas and Magali Roquais, “Boulangerie Magali Charonne”, 35 rue de Charonne, 75 011 Paris
- 15e : Thierry Soulet, “Boulangerie Plutus”, 204 rue des Pyrénées, 75 020 Paris
- 16e : Frédéric Antunes, “Au Fournil du Château”, 8 avenue du Château, 94 300 Vincennes
- 17e : Pierre Laigle, “Boulangerie Cerise”, 23 rue Michelet, 92100 Boulogne Billancourt, France
- 18e : Patrick Benichou, “Boulangerie Liberté Vinaigriers”, 39 rue des Vinaigriers, 75 010 Paris
- 19e : Joël Defives, “Boulangerie Baptiste Batignolles”, 17 rue des Moines, 75 017 Paris
- 20e : Sami Kerchaoui, “La Maison Kerck”, 76 rue Saint-Maur, 75 011 Paris