Thrift store chain Les Sales voleurs has opened a new boutique. Here, you’ll be immersed in a fast-food atmosphere! Come and bargain-hunt for bargain-priced second-hand goods in this unusual setting, guaranteed to be free of French-fry smell!
Les Sales voleurs, the discount thrift store concept
It’s the thrift store chain that’s a big hit in Paris, making news with every new opening! You’ve probably heard of Les Sales voleurs! Created by Aniss Messadek, the man behind Mangez et casssez-vous burgers for under 4 euros, Les Sales voleurs has also developed its own concept: offering low-cost second-hand clothes, with a system of sliding-scale prices according to the day and, as a bonus, stores with completely surprising themes!
Since the very first store in the 20th arrondissement, which recreated the setting of a bank robbery, the Les Sales voleurs family has grown! You can now do your second-hand shopping in a cave (rue Monge, 75005), a prison (Rue de Vaugirard, 75015) or a fast-food restaurant!
A new fast-food store for Sales voleurs
For its latest store, even if you think you’re entering a fast-food restaurant, you’re actually in a thrift shop! The illusion begins with the facade, which uses the aesthetic codes of the famous McDonald’s brand, and continues inside! Order kiosks, professional kitchen appliances, garbage disposal garbage cans– nothing has been left to chance to confuse customers! Racks of second-hand clothes have taken their place in the middle of this decor, and as in the other boutiques, they are sold at one-off, knock-down prices to guarantee you a bargain!
As a reminder, arrivals are frequent (every Friday and Sunday) and prices change daily (Friday: €4.5 / Saturday €3.5 / Sunday: €4.5 / Monday €3.5 / Tuesday €2.5 / Wednesday €1.50 and Thursday €0.95). Visit regularly to find luxury and contemporary designer brands!
📍 Location: 66 avenue de la République
75011 Paris
More info on Sales voleurs