Want to get back at your ex? This Valentine’s Day, the UK’s Hemsley Conservation Center zoo has come up with a very special activity! Give your ex’s name to a cockroach. We tell you all about it!
Get even with your ex this Valentine’s Day!
Are you alone on Valentine’s Day this year? You don’t feel like celebrating love with a candlelit dinner because your former crush has left a bitter taste in your mouth? The Hemsley Conservation Center zoo in the UK has come up with the brilliant idea of giving you the chance to get your revenge, and you’ll see, it’s a very funny idea!
This Valentine’s Day, for a minimum donation of 2 euros 35, you can name a zoo cockroach after your ex. Your ex will keep it for a maximum of 6 months, which is the average lifespan of an orthopteran.
Beyond making people smile, the aim is to use all the funds raised to ensure the well-being of the zoo’s animals this winter, but also to finance the center’s projects throughout the year. A fun and useful idea for all the center’s residents.
Even better than flowers, you’ll receive a blank certificate stating that you have indeed named a cockroach. You can personalize it any way you like, frame it above your desk, send it to friends… We’ll let your imagination and creativity run wild! To find out more and name your own little cockroach, click here.