The Universe is deeply fascinating. From the farthest reaches of space to the deepest waters on Earth, from concrete topics like electricity to more abstract concepts like quantum physics, and from the exceptional diversity of life to the complexity of the human body, science is constantly striving to understand what surrounds us. In the heart of Bercy Village, in a brand new 850 m² space, an immersive multiscience trail opens its doors to you, with the aim of educating and entertaining you: Science Experiences. With a concept at the cutting edge of new technologies, it juggles virtual reality, projections and immersive techniques. Program: a scientific voyage full of surprises and a family-friendly activity.
Science Experiences
In addition to the briefing room, where you’ll discover the different areas of Science Expériences, there are a total of 8 themed rooms along the way! First, a space odyssey invites you to travel to the farthest reaches of the universe in virtual reality in a new kind of planetarium, before venturing into a multisensory dive into the mysterious world of the abyss. You can play Jules Verne at the center of the Earth with a volcanic videomapping experiment, discover the secrets of the human body, take part in games to learn more about Mother Nature, face 400,000 volts, or teleport like a quantum particle!
But also a VR experience that lets you explore Paris “as the crow flies”, a 360-degree interstellar simulator that lets you improvise as an astronaut, a Grand 8-style flying carpet that flies over the city… And that’s not all! By the end of June, new attractions will have been added.
Science Expériences was conceived and designed with the help of a scientific committee made up of some of the best minds in the field: David Elbaz, astrophysicist, Bill François, marine life specialist, Aline Peltier, renowned vulcanologist, Eléa Héberlé, PhD in molecular biology, Marie-Charlotte Morin, PhD in biology and Nicolas Treps, quantum optics researcher. In terms of activities and experiences, Âme en Science’s museographers took charge of the project. To optimize access to knowledge, the course is available in 10 different languages. In short, there’s no excuse not to revise your Science Program!
Science Expériences : Musée immersif de Science à Paris