Reaching the Big Apple from Paris in just 1h30, now that’s a prospect that gives us a glimpse of the future! Although supersonic commercial aviation hasn’t been too topical since the retirement of the Concorde, Swiss start-up Destinus is hoping to reshuffle the deck with the arrival, within the next ten years or so, of a plane capable of flying at 5,300km/h. Take-off for the future is imminent!
Paris – New York in 1h30? A start-up promises the impossible
Flights between Paris and New York in just 1h30, the speed of a current Paris-Marseille flight, would almost make you dream. At least, that’s the vision and wish of Destinus, who would like to commercialize this new mode of travel, powered by liquid hydrogen. And while the project may seem completely crazy at the moment, the Swiss company is aiming to fly its first passengers between 2032 and 2035!
While Concorde flew from Paris to New York in 3? hours at Mach 2 (i.e. twice the speed of sound), Destinus promises to do the same at Mach 5 cruising speed! At 40 meters long and with an 18-meter wingspan, the Destinus S looks like a real spaceship. Imagined to accommodate 25 passengers on board, the aircraft aims to revolutionize the world of civil aviation and land on international airport tarmacs within the next decade.
A ultra-fast and eco-friendly alternative to aviation these days. Because yes, with liquid hydrogen as the propulsion fuel, much cleaner journeys are to be expected with this mode of transport. It remains to be seen whether the project will actually come to fruition and one day be able to fly 33 kilometers above our heads. Another mystery yet to be revealed is whether this aircraft will be a drone or piloted by the human hand. To be continued…
Read also: Travel: a direct line between Australia and Paris will open in July!